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perforant paths การใช้

  • DG via the perforant path ( synapse 1 ), DG ?
  • The perforant path passes through the stratum lacunosum and ends in the stratum moleculare.
  • It receives some input from layer II of the entorhinal cortex via the perforant path.
  • The perforant path is the main output pathway of the EC . The flow of information in the hippocamous is largely unidirectional.
  • In addition to playing a role in spatial memory learning generally, the temporoammonic branch ( TA-CA1 ) of the perforant path mediates spatial memory consolidation.
  • The CA3 is innervated by two afferent paths known as the perforant path ( PPCA3 ) and the dentate gyrus ( DG )-mediated mossy fibers ( MFs ).
  • He showed that, in both insulin-deficient rats and insulin-resistant mice, diabetes impairs hippocampus-dependent memory, perforant path synaptic plasticity and adult neurogenesis, and the adrenal steroid corticosterone contributes to these adverse effects.
  • When a more efficient proximal synaptic activity is superimposed upon a sub-threshold depolarization due to distal activity, the cell has a high probability of firing an AP . In CA3, it is the perforant path projection from the entorhinal cortical cells that provides synaptic input to the most distal dendrites of the pyramidal cells.
  • According to Suh et al . ( 2011 Science 334 : 1415 ) the projection to CA3 and dentate gyrus in mice is primarily from layer II of entorhinal cortex, and forms a trisynaptic path with hippocampus ( dentate gyrus to CA3 to CA1 ), distinguished from the direct ( monosynaptic ) perforant path from Layer III of entorhinal cortex to CA1 and subiculum.